Hey, i'm back ! and really miss write on here..
well, there are so many thing i've been trough this long.
anyway, how are you guys? O Genki desuka minnasan ? :)
Life is Short, once and never gonna turned, right ?
So Why you look very upset, Dear ?
Sadness, Happiness, Disappointed, Anger, Foolish ( ? )
those are part of our life. so, that what happened in my life.
Problems may come, but never away... (LOL)
Friends may Come, but DON'T let them away
Boys may come, but of they away... (find another one Quickly ! hahaha )
the One that you're not allowed them to go is.... the Faithful to our Lord, Allah Azza Wajalla... (aamiin)
is it important to keep us 'in line'. in a good way, in a right way.... Insya Allah gonna be the best way.
for you my Friends, keep believing that You're Special just what you are....
no matter what they made to you, no matter any kinds of problems come, its REALLY NO MATTER, cause you know that i'm standing here for you :)