someone calls me abon,
abon means : adek bontot. (-,-)"
its funny, really funny... cause this calling just same as "abon" the real abon, its meat. (-.-)
he gave this name about 6 months ago
before i know, know everything...
but finally, i'm getting comfort with this name.
to me, its unique. i love a name that given by someone.
it means, someone take an attention to him / her, or simply, i'm something. :D
a name, is just a name, given by our parents.
but a call, its just different.
especially, its given by someone special.
yeah, to me, abon means a lot.
cause someday, its gonna be a special spirit to perform a prayer,
my relationship to Allah, Hablumminallah...
and, its gonna be, a special call from someone, that i never guess...
everything was just fine, everything doing as it has to be.
till i know something, that this call means something, something unpredicted before.
( i'll tell in other post :p)
To someone there who calls me abon,
wherever you're, whatever how it would be,
keep calling me abon,
keep Istiqomah, we'll find our way, and Allah has His way to show, His Super Power.
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